Saturday, 1 November 2014

AIOU COL MBA Project on Impact of Training on Job Satisfaction

Impact of Training practices on Job Satisfaction at Bank Alfalah

The current study was conducted on impact of training practices on job satisfaction at Bank Alfalah. This study is important to HRM department and professional who plan and develop training program for their employees. Training is degree in which trainers effectively apply knowledge, skills and attitude gained in a training to do the job has been of paramount concern for training researchers and practitioners. Therefore this study has proved that training is positively linked with the employee’s job satisfaction and the current training practice of bank Alfalah is also good and effective.
Training is considered to be the most common HR practice (Tzafrir, 2006).’Training and development’ refers to any effort to improve current of future employees’ skills, abilities, and knowledge (Aswathappa, 2008). ‘Training and development’ has a significant positive impact on employees’ job satisfaction (Garcia, 2005). Thang and Buyens (2008) stated that training and development lead to superior knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, and behavior of employees that ultimately enhance excellent financial and no financial performance of the organizations.

Training Content

When it comes to training employees on your proprietary processes and other matters of intellectual capital, only custom content development will do. Fortunately, all the mentioned company have extensive, proven best practices and processes not to mention unmatched expertise to ensure seamless knowledge transfer throughout your organization.

Training Need Assessment

Needs assessment is a systematic process for determining and addressing needs, or “gaps” between current conditions and desired conditions or “wants”. The discrepancy between the current condition and wanted condition must be measured to appropriately identify the need. The need can be a desire to improve current performance or to correct a deficiency.

Trainer Selection

A measure of the success of training is the relationship that develops between trainer and trainees. In a sound, productive training situation there is mutual respect and trust between them, with the trainer taking care to ensure that even the weakest trainee performs to the highest possible level, and the trainees feeling a desire within themselves to achieve. In this situation the trainer is the motivator and the trainees are the motivated.
The name Bank is derives from the Italian word BANCO. During the 1900 century the banking sectored is not so much develop because they provide only some restricted services, and no proper Law is establish to cover the all the activities of the banking sector but after some years the Government can create the some laws for the propose is to protect the banker and as well client of the bank for example the banking companies governed by the banking companies ordinance 1962 and State Bank of Pakistan act 1956. Bank play and important role in any country economy you can say that the bank is consider as the back bone of any developed economy.
Note:- AIOU COL MBA Project and synopsis on Training and job satisfaction is available. We provide quality of COL project and synopsis with 100 % approval guarantee.

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