Saturday, 1 November 2014

AIOU COL MBA New Policies for MBA Projects for Executive

It is to inform all Executive COL MBA students that HEC has changed project policies for Allama Iqbal Open University Executive COL MBA making the project more challenging and difficult for the students to manage their synopsis and research project. With the introduction of new policies students synopsis rejection rate has significantly increased the reason behind rejection is that students fails to follow the complete format required for synopsis by HEC and AIOU COL MBA PROJECTS guidelines, students usually copy material from webpages and other projects which is plagiarism and hence their synopsis are rejected. All COL MBA students are now required to submit their synopsis and projects according to the new policies, the alterations in the policies are as follows:-
  • Research performed should be 100% authentic and should include all technical aspects of a research.
  • Data should be collected by the students physically conducting a real world survey.
  • Only 15% of material is allowed to be copied that too from AIOU digital library.
  • Synopsis Introduction should be 10-15 pages long and authentic material is required students who fail to ignore this rule will result in rejection of synopsis.
  • All research resources should be only from HEC Digital Library or AIOU Digital Library.
  • Tools and variables to be included in project should be from previous researches found in the above mentioned digital libraries, students are required to include these tools and provide references.
  • Questionnaires from previous researches available in HEC and AIOU Digital Library will be allowed to be used in real time data collection.
  • Literature review should be 10-15 pages long and summary is required at the end of literature review. Summary should include which tools were used and why?
  • Use of Microsoft Excel is prohibited for data analysis.
  • SPSS should be used to data analysis, every variable needs to calculated and interpreted.
  • All projects as long as two months are liable to the new policies and students are required to update their projects accordingly.
A student at AIOU already faced difficulties with their COL MBA projects and the updated polices has increased their perils. we provides help to COL MBA students at affordable prices. If a willing student contacts us for help, we will provide the student with topic lists from which a student can select a topic for synopsis and project. The synopsis and project will now take 2 to 2.5 months as the new policies require extensive research and data collection. Within the given time period we will provide you with a complete COL MBA Research project.  After synopsis approval we will use tools and variables for data collection, then a survey will be performed physically, the questionnaires will be filled 100% by respondents.
We guarantee you a plagiarism free project if you find anything copied in our work then you can challenge us with your claim. A valid and 100% true research will be conducted using SPSS. Due to change in HEC rules it will take 2-2.5 months. The overall project will cost 30,000 and this price is not NEGOTIABLE AT ALL.  Willing students will are required to pay 50% before  submission of synopsis and 50% after approval of submittedsynopsis.
 Contact us through email first, please email us with a valid email and working phone number and also provide us details of your COL MBA. If any student needs a project on fast track basis then price will be different, for this student needs to contact us with theirCOL MBA Project duration and completion time of COL MBA Project.
Our services include any improvement required by COL MBA supervisor as many times as required. Interested students are required to email us with their valid contact number and COL MBA duration and completion date as well. Students should keep in mind that PRICE IS NON NEGOTIABLE, but if minimum 5 projects are submitted then the price will be negotiable. Only soft copies will be provided we are not responsible for printing and lamination of the COL MBA project. Student Privacy is our utmost priority we guarantee that all information any student shares will be kept in complete confidence and no information about a student will be shared with anyone for any purposes.


AIOU COL MBA Project and Synopsis Format

AIOU COL MBA Project and Synopsis Format new


The AIOU COL MBA Project  Handbook has been prepared with a view to equipe our Commonwealth MBA and MPA students with some basic and necessary information on writing a research proposal and final project report. This will assist the students in thinking through many aspects of crafting implementing and defending the research project. It is our attempt to share some of many ideas that have surfaced in the past that definitely make the task of completion of research so much easier. We have tried to give some suggestions on the following: selection of a topic, developing a project statement, writing Literature Review, Research Design, Data Analysis, Conclusion and Findings, Bibliography and such other necessary components.
Guidelines of a research report have been provided on the format and style of the project and specimens have been annexed for guidance. We hope that all given information will help you in choosing the project title, and conducting research work.
With this in mind enjoy the manual. We hope it will help you to finish your research in good shape.

AIOU COL MBA Project Introduction

This master level Research Project Manual is designed for all Commonwealth Master of Business Administration / Public Administration students. The students will be required to conduct a research study in the academic field of the chosen area after completion of the course work for (COL EMBA/MPA).
The research AIOU COL MBA project carries a weight of (06) credits and is an integral part of Commonwealth MBA/MPA Programme. After successful completion of required courses and research project (code 5598) each student will receive COL MBA / MPA degree. This manual has been developed to provide broad guidelines to the students and help them in preparing their project synopsis and final report.
The university hopes that after following these guidelines the students of this prestigious programme will be in a position to write an excellent research report and create a value addition for them.

Research Proposal and Final Report

The mission of Allama Iqbal Open University is to deliver the collaborative Master of Commonwealth MBA / MPA degree in such a way that can provide the students with latest managerial skill and capabilities. The program aims at delivering high quality theoretical and practical knowledge.
All research reports normally use the same format. It does not matter whether you are doing a customer satisfaction research, employee’s opinion survey, research on impact of globalization research or a marketing research. All have the same basic structure and format. The difference will be in the contents.
The distinguishing feature of research is an original contribution to the existing body of knowledge. Thus the final research report for the project course (code 5598) is a document whose purpose is to prove that the student has made an original contribution to the existing knowledge.
The research report must highlight the following important aspects:
  • Student has identified a worthwhile question or problem, relating to the generic discipline of Management Sciences (Business or Public Administration as per his or her enrolment)
  • S/he has solved the problem or answered the question(s) raised during research
  • Their contribution to knowledge lies in their findings.
It has been observed that the students enrolled in the project course do not get the approval of topic and proposal / synopsis from the programme management office, Allama Iqbal Open University campus Islamabad before starting their research. Therefore, at the outset, students of final semester of COL MBA/MPA are required to (i) To select the research topic in consultation with the Supervisor provided by their approved study centre (ii) To develop and submit a research proposal / synopsis to the department for approval / acceptance prior to starting their research.


Research is an ORGANIZED and SYSTEMATIC way of FINDING ANSWERS to QUESTIONS or solutions of problems.
1)                  Systematic: because there is a definite set of procedures and steps which the students/researchers will follow. There are certain things in the research process which are always done in order to get the most accurate results.
2)                  Organized: in that there is a structure or method in going about doing research. It is a planned procedure, not a spontaneous one. It is focused and limited to a specific scope.
3)                  Questions: are central to research. If there is no question, then the answer is of no use. Research is focused on relevant, useful, and important questions. Without a question, research has no focus, drive, or purpose.
4)                  Finding Answers: is the end of all research. Whether it is the result after a testing hypothesis or answer to a simple question, research is successful when we find solutions answers. Sometimes the answer is no, but it is still an answer.
The research process

  1. Observation
  2. Preliminary Data gathering (Preliminary Data gathering about situation i.e.  broad problem area)
  3. Problem definition
  4. Literature Review & Theoretical framework (variables identified)
  5. Hypotheses
  6. Research design
  7. Data collection ,analysis and interpretation
  8. Findings
  9. Report writing
  10. Report presentation
  11. Decision making
Identifying a Project/Research Topic
Research begins with defining a topic in which a student may be interested and willing to put effort. Research topic should relate to the subject whom the students have studied in their programme (Management Sciences, Business or Public Administration). The three significant characteristics of a research topic/problem are that is should be significant, researchable and new or add a new angle to established facts. Some important elements of selecting a topic are as under:
  • First you select a problem/topic in a general area that is related to the area of your expertise and interest. Second step is to narrow down the general problem area to make it specific, and researchable.
  • Formulate a research topic in order to achieve your objective.
  • The selected topic should be in a field in which there is real need for the research.
  • Must keep in mind why the research is important and to whom.
  • Students need to describe the research context clearly.
  • Access to the data must be ensured about the topic prior to its finalization.
  • The topic should be open to methods of research.
While thinking about research topic:
  • Discuss ideas with colleagues
  • Browse the literature, especially journals
  • Discuss ideas with your supervisor – he/she is an expert within the discipline and can help you decide on an appropriate topic

Setting the topic in context

When placing your topic in context it is often useful to think about the following:
  • What is the scope of the topic?
  • What is the purpose of the research?
  • Who are the intended audience?
  • What is the time period?
  • What is the geographical coverage?
  • What are the relevant/related disciplines?
Some More Tips for Problem Formulation


Try to pick a topic that you are interested in. You are going to have a lot of research and experimentation ahead of you so it helps to produce good science if you have enthusiasm in what you are doing. Find a broad topic and do a little preliminary work, perhaps making a shortlist of possible areas of interest.
  1. Be realistic. If you have difficulty with transport then there is no point picking a project in some far-flung, inaccessible area. You may have to go back to resample or clarify your data. For a field study that requires lots of walking or climbing you need to be reasonably fit. If you are not very good at approaching strangers then avoid a subject that requires you to ask people to fill in questionnaires. Play to your strengths and avoid your weaknesses.
  2. With the above in mind, check out the facilities your department offers. For example, some departments offer help with statistics or using computer programs.
  3. Take into account the amount of time and resources you have. It is better to pick a focused topic and be thorough than to try and perform some complex research that you struggle to finish. Your topic must be broad enough to ensure that you have enough data but narrow enough to maximize your time and resources.
  4. Try and be a little different; if a large number of students research the same topics then there could be a lot of people fighting over one copy of a book or journal.
  5. Will you need help? For some areas of research you may need to ask the help of friends to take samples. An example is psychology where you need to tempt people to answer your questions or perform your tests. What measures will you need to entice people? Asking favors, bribery or threats? Try to ensure that you have thought about this before you start.
  6. Remember that people are there to help you. If you not sure of where to start, often the most difficult part, do not be afraid to ask questions from those more knowledgeable in the subject. It is common to feel a little nervous and overwhelmed before starting on a long project but that will pass. Remember that the reputation of your supervisor and department is judged by how well you perform in your research paper so they will try their best to guide you.

Types of Business research

Applied research
This research is conducted to solve a current problem faced by the organization in the work setting, demanding a timely solution.
Basic research (fundamental, pure)
Following are the characteristics of basic research:
  1. It is to generate a body of knowledge by trying to comprehend how certain problems that occur in organizations can be solved.
  2. The findings of such research contribute to the building of knowledge in the various functional areas of business.
Selection of Study
The students are advised to choose some current issue faced by the organization in which they are going to conduct their research. Here are some examples of Applied and basic research issues, the preference should be given to the applied research.

Applied Research topics

  1. Causes of low productivity of employees of Fazal Steel mills Islamabad
  2. The  possible measures to make the budgetary control system of NHA effective
  3. Human Resource practices to ensure Job Satisfaction in Askari Bank limited with Special emphasis on performance appraisal.
  4. The Impact of Compensation, Training & Development on the organisational Commitment of Employees of PTCL

Basic Research Topics

  1. Effective measures to stop bankruptcy.
  2. Implications of the theories of Scientific School of Management in 21stcentury.
  3. TQM / Is It Effective In Reaching Quality Goals?
  4. Management of the Interview and Hiring Function
  5. Employee Stock Ownership Plans
How to Develop Project Proposal / Synopsis
The aim of the project proposal must be to ensure that:
  • There is a need for the research and it’s significant and important.
  • Student is contributing something original in the research report.
  • The topic is feasible in terms of the availability of data.
  • The topic must match with the academic field i.e. MBA / MPA.
  • Research can be completed within the expected time period.
The project proposal helps you focus your research aim, clarify its importance and the need, describe the methods, identify problems and plan alternatives. Preparing a project proposal is an important part of your research.  Following key elements must be included in the project proposal:

Chapter 1                  Introduction

  1. Introduction of study along with its origin, history, Background, and rationale of the study
  2. Broad problem area:
-          Area in which researcher has find some specific problem to carry out his research
  1. Statement of the Problem
  2. Objectives of the Study
  3. Significance of the Study

Chapter 2                  Literature review

  1. Distribute this chapter according to heading and sub-heading
  2. Research Hypothesis

Chapter 3                  Research Methodology

  1. Research Design
  2. Population of the Study
  3. Sampling Techniques
  4. Sample Size
  5. Research Tools
  6. Data Collection

Chapter 4      Data Analysis and Interpretation (Tools and Techniques)

Chapter 5      Conclusion
  1. Findings
  2. Conclusion
  3. Recommendations
  4. Delimitation
Bibliography / References

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Whether you are looking for the dissertation or sample MBA final project that meets your personal preferences or a dissertation designed and written to impress the panel and future employers, we have the right thesis dissertation for you that can meet the demands of stringent quality standards. We are providing 100 % Pass Guarantee.


AIOU COL MBA Project on Impact of Training on Job Satisfaction

Impact of Training practices on Job Satisfaction at Bank Alfalah

The current study was conducted on impact of training practices on job satisfaction at Bank Alfalah. This study is important to HRM department and professional who plan and develop training program for their employees. Training is degree in which trainers effectively apply knowledge, skills and attitude gained in a training to do the job has been of paramount concern for training researchers and practitioners. Therefore this study has proved that training is positively linked with the employee’s job satisfaction and the current training practice of bank Alfalah is also good and effective.
Training is considered to be the most common HR practice (Tzafrir, 2006).’Training and development’ refers to any effort to improve current of future employees’ skills, abilities, and knowledge (Aswathappa, 2008). ‘Training and development’ has a significant positive impact on employees’ job satisfaction (Garcia, 2005). Thang and Buyens (2008) stated that training and development lead to superior knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, and behavior of employees that ultimately enhance excellent financial and no financial performance of the organizations.

Training Content

When it comes to training employees on your proprietary processes and other matters of intellectual capital, only custom content development will do. Fortunately, all the mentioned company have extensive, proven best practices and processes not to mention unmatched expertise to ensure seamless knowledge transfer throughout your organization.

Training Need Assessment

Needs assessment is a systematic process for determining and addressing needs, or “gaps” between current conditions and desired conditions or “wants”. The discrepancy between the current condition and wanted condition must be measured to appropriately identify the need. The need can be a desire to improve current performance or to correct a deficiency.

Trainer Selection

A measure of the success of training is the relationship that develops between trainer and trainees. In a sound, productive training situation there is mutual respect and trust between them, with the trainer taking care to ensure that even the weakest trainee performs to the highest possible level, and the trainees feeling a desire within themselves to achieve. In this situation the trainer is the motivator and the trainees are the motivated.
The name Bank is derives from the Italian word BANCO. During the 1900 century the banking sectored is not so much develop because they provide only some restricted services, and no proper Law is establish to cover the all the activities of the banking sector but after some years the Government can create the some laws for the propose is to protect the banker and as well client of the bank for example the banking companies governed by the banking companies ordinance 1962 and State Bank of Pakistan act 1956. Bank play and important role in any country economy you can say that the bank is consider as the back bone of any developed economy.
Note:- AIOU COL MBA Project and synopsis on Training and job satisfaction is available. We provide quality of COL project and synopsis with 100 % approval guarantee.

AIOU COL MBA Projects on TQM and customers satisfaction

The total quality management TQM and customers satisfaction has become internationally fascinating topic. many analysis papers investigate the impact of total quality management on client satisfaction in each service and producing industries. several analysis papers were tired developed countries, on the opposite hand, solely many study was tired developing countries like Pakistan. This paper wills closing the confab by examines the connection between total quality management and client satisfaction within the Thai industry. The two hundred questionnaires were sent to the client of the shop in Siam. The results area unit rumored and confirmed that the entire quality management features a positive relationship with client satisfaction in commission business. The study additionally supported that client participation and continuous improvement will increase client satisfaction. additionally, the study finds that total quality management will be applied within the developing country. A discussion of the result’s given and directions for additional analysis on total quality management (TQM and customers satisfaction).

TQM and customers satisfaction

The increasing competitive in economic mode like within the Thai shop business makes the corporate improve the standard management observe to boost the corporate competitive advantage. Quality management observe enclosed all reasonably quality program which will improved product, service, scale back price and client satisfaction. The construct of quality management observe has been interested since the start of quality revolution in Japan within the Fifties. the standard management observe consisted of internal control, quality measure total quality management and ISO 9000 quality system. Most existing analysis solely concern on the link between quality management observe and business performance.
The inspiration for this analysis comes from my previous experiences. As quality management officer during a drug company, i used to be liable for implementing quality management principles of parent company Ms Schering noble metal, FRG during a drug company situated in city – Pakistan. I continuously complete that attributable to culture, level of technical advancement, national company business practices, state legislation and lots of alternative factors, “one size doesn’t match all” therefore it had been uphill to implement quality management practices specifically during a manner these were enforced in Ms Schering noble metal, Germany.  Later, my expertise as lecturer at University of the geographical region developed my interest within the subject of provide chain management.
The mix of those experiences centered my attention on quality management in pharmaceutical provide chains. Preliminary literature review gave ME marvelous data regarding each these subjects (quality management and provide chain management). but i spotted that in each subjects there’s very little work drained context of developing countries. This analysis is an attempt to cut back this gap additionally to produce AN insight to pharmaceutical distribution firms regarding TQM implementation and to satisfy their customers by providing higher service quality. This chapter introduces the matter, purpose and significance of the analysis. At the top of the chapter is outline of the arrangement of the thesis.
Introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion and conclusion area unit parts of this thesis. the primary section introduces the matter, purpose and significance of this analysis. The second section includes 2 chapters that shall scan past researches. Literature review helps to clarify the analysis objectives and provides a theoretical framework that facilitates to outline analysis issues and queries in section 3. each chapters in literature review section have terribly completely different themes however area unit connected so as to get the framework to develop pharmaceutical distribution model for client satisfaction. Chapter 2 examines the philosophy of TQM and its relationship with client satisfaction. essential success factors of TQM and implementation of TQM in developing countries area unit mentioned thoroughly. an attempt has been created to know what client satisfaction very is and the way it are often achieved by up service quality.

AIOU COL MBA Projects and Synopsis writing Services (100 % approval Guarantee)

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AIOU COL MBA Projects Synopsis job satisfaction

AIOU COL MBA Projects Synopsis job satisfaction

COL MBA Projects perceived organizational support

COL MBA Projects perceived organizational support

AIOU COL MBA Project Training practices

AIOU COL MBA Project Training practices

AIOU COL MBA Projects Synopsis Measuring job stress

AIOU COL MBA Projects Synopsis Measuring job stress

AIOU COL MBA/MPA Project Synopsis Effect of job design

Many people tend to assume that the foremost vital rational motive at work is pay. Yet, studies point to a unique issue because the major influence over employee motivation, job design. How a job is meant features a major impact on worker motivation, job satisfaction, commitment to an organization, absence, and turnover. The question of a way to properly style jobs thus that workers square measure additional productive and additional happy has additionally received attention from managers and researchers since the start of the twentieth century. This chapter so discusses background studies regarding however job style tends to have an effect on worker motivation and job performance and so supported the background, the analysis downside, objectives of the study, analysis queries,connected of the study, among others square measure explicit.

Job Design and job satisfaction 

The first and foremost significance of the study rises from the very fact that tiny is understood concerning the extent to that banks’ managements interact in job style for his or her employees; once it became vital to them and the way they need enforced such AN approach. Very few research comes have truly been conducted during this space of analysis among the banking arena in Ghana. additionally, despite searches, there’s no proof that any analysis on job design and the way it relates to worker motivation and job performance within the banking system has ever been conducted in Pakistan.
Research on worker motivation means that innovation and creative thinking. It additionally means that a modification in the gear for 60 minutes policies and practices. The quicker the organizations nurture their staff, the additional no-hit they might be. The challenge before 60 minutes managers nowadays was to thrill their staff and nurture their creative thinking to stay them a bloom. This study helps the researcher to comprehend the importance of effective worker motivation. This analysis study examines varieties and levels of worker psychological feature programmes and additionally discusses management concepts that may be used to introduce worker motivation.
It ought to be noted that the chosen cases aren’t thought-about representative of a bigger population. Since this study was a qualitative one, its results weren’t mechanically generalization. However, it had been prudent to notice that generalization of qualitative analysis was not associated with the collected material itself, however to the interpretation of the info in terms of categories, ideas and explanations. nevertheless, to be ready to build generalizations future research would take pleasure in large-scale society and/or cross-industry surveys.

AIOU COL MBA Project Neuroticism and Job satisfaction

AIOU COL MBA Project Neuroticism and Job satisfaction

The study explored the link between neuroticism and Job satisfaction. staff with low levels of neuroticism experience higher levels of job satisfaction. The banking surroundings needs staff with low levels of psychoneurosis as a result of the character of services they provide. A quantitative technique was adopted, to work out the link between psychoneurosis and job satisfaction SAS nine.1, Pearson’s correlation, multivariate analysis and Waller- Isadora Duncan K-ratio T-Test and T-Test were used. Findings indicated staff had low level of criticism and were happy with their jobs. but the extent of psychoneurosis was influenced by demographic variable (age, race, and bank) however this didn’t have any vital impact on overall job satisfaction. The findings can aid management establishments in choosing, and retentive staff as higher job satisfaction is joined to higher levels of productivity, effectiveness and commitment.
Neuroticism is also referred to as emotional stability (Goldberg, 1992). Neuroticism is known characterised by upsetability
which is the polar opposite of emotional stability. Anxiety, Hostility, Depression, Self-Consciousness, Impulsiveness and
Vulnerability to Stress are the constructs that define neuroticism.
Employees with high mental disturbance scores tend to be less glad with the number of labor, their co-workers and their pay, whereas workers with high psychoticism (tough-minded) tend to be less glad with their supervisors, the nature of labor and their co-workers than with low psychoticism (tender minded) scores (Camgoz and Karapinar, 2011). Dunn, Mount, Ones (1995) purport emotional stability is that the second most significant characteristic that affects the employ ability of candidates. Organization desires workers World Health Organization ar showing emotion stable as they’re going to be able to perform to their best. Warr, Cook & Wall (1979) employing a six-item scale to live anxiety a couple of type of current and future considerations, found low however vital negative correlations with numerous parts of their job satisfaction live.
Personality is extremely necessary in considering candidates for a foothold. However, it’s not enough to function a mensuration
tool for the accomplishment method. temperament helps to see whether or not a personal is appropriate for a specific work environment, like a liberal work setting needs a liberal person, front-office personnel need to be heat and outgoing not solely on knowledgeable level, however on a private one further.
Temperament traits area unit a vital issue and make a distinction in job satisfaction, managers will utilize the temperament traits form as a primary screening in recruiting. this could be another useful gizmo in choosing and retentive sensible workers, in turn, reducing employee turnover and prices related to ratio thence. Bank management ought to have psychological feature methods to extend the job satisfaction and to retain workers for as long as potential. Management ought to encourage distinctive behaviour in order to permit for a culture of continuous learning. Management also can realize innovative ways that cut back the chances of psychological disorder increasing within the geographic point.

AIOU COL MBA Projects Writing Service (100 % project approval Guarantee)

Procedure for completing the COL Project course

Following are the requirement to be met by the students for opting and completing of COL Project course CC-5598.
  1. The student must have a valid admission in Project Course (CC-5598)
  2. The Student will have to contact his/her assigned study center for allocation of supervisor
  3. The required qualification of project supervisor has already been provided to the study centres
  4. The student will have to complete the synopsis and final project report under the guidance of supervisor.
  5. The synopsis must be duly signed by the supervisor before submission to the department for evaluation and approval.
  6. The supervisor is bound to guide the students to complete their synopses/proposals in stipulated time period.
  7. Every draft of final project report must be checked and signed by the supervisor before submission to the department for evaluation and approval.
  8. If any draft report is not approved and sent back to the student with any observation then supervisor must ensure that the student has incorporated the suggested changes before re submission.
  9. After approval of the final report the student will have to appear for viva voces in the department. Final decision of award of degree to the student will taken by viva voce panel. The student cannot challenge the panel‟s decision.
  10. The student must ensure that he/she has completed 14 taught courses, got the project report approved and received a letter of invitation for appearing for viva voce.

The total time of completion of degree (course work and research work) is 5 years after 
this period the registration of the student will be expired.



Research Proposal and Final Report

The mission of Allama Iqbal Open University is to deliver the collaborative Master of Commonwealth MBA / MPA degree in such a way that can provide the students with latest managerial skill and capabilities. The program aims at delivering high quality theoretical and practical knowledge.
All research reports normally use the same format. It does not matter whether you are doing a customer satisfaction research, employee‟s opinion survey, research on impact of globalization research or a marketing research. All have the same basic structure and format. The difference will be in the contents. The distinguishing feature of research is an original contribution to the existing
body of knowledge. Thus the final research report for the project course (code 5598) is a document whose purpose is to prove that the student has made an original contribution to the existing knowledge.
The AIOU COL Project research proposal must highlight the following important aspects
Student has identified a worthwhile question or problem, relating to the generic discipline of Management Sciences (Business or Public Administration as per his or her enrollment).
  1. Student has identified a worthwhile question or problem, relating to the generic discipline of Management Sciences (Business or Public Administration as per his or her enrolment).
  2. She/he has solved the problem or answered the question(s) raised during AIOU COL MBA research.
  3. Their contribution to knowledge lies in their findings.
It has been ascertained that the scholars registered within the project course don’t get the approval of topic and proposal / precis from the programme management workplace, Allama Iqbal university field Islamabad before beginning their research. Therefore, at the point in time, students of ultimate semester of mountain pass MBA/MPA ar needed.
  1. To select the research topic in consultation with the Supervisor provided by their approved study centre
  2. To develop and submit a research proposal / synopsis to the department for approval / acceptance prior to starting their research.

What is AIOU COL MBA Project Research proposal 

Research is an ORGANIZED and SYSTEMATIC way of FINDING ANSWERS to QUESTIONS or solutions of problems.
Systematic: because there is a definite set of procedures and steps which the students/researchers will follow. There are certain things in the research process which are always done in order to get the most accurate results.
Organized: in that there is a structure or method in going about doing research. It is a planned procedure, not a spontaneous one. It is focused and limited to a specific scope.
Questions: are central to research. If there is no question, then the answer is of no use. Research is focused on relevant, useful, and important questions. Without a question, research has no focus, drive, or purpose.
Finding Answers: is the end of all research. Whether it is the result after a testing hypothesis or answer to a simple question, research is successful when we find solutions answers. Sometimes the answer is no, but it is still an answer.

COL MBA Project Research Process 

  • Observation
  • Preliminary Data gathering (Preliminary Data gathering about situation i.e. broad problem area)
  • Problem definition
  • Literature Review & Theoretical framework (variables identified)
  • Hypotheses
  • Research design
  • Data collection ,analysis and interpretation
  • Findings
  • Report writing
  • Report presentation
  • Decision making

AIOU COL MBA Projects and thesis Synopsis Writing Services (100 % Approval Guarantee)

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How to Identifying a COL MBA Project/Research Topic

Research begins with defining a topic in which a student may be interested and willing to put effort. Research topic list should relate to the subject whom the students have studied in their programme (Management Sciences, Business or Public Administration). The three significant characteristics of a research topic/problem are that is should be significant, researchable and new or add a new angle to established facts. Some important elements of selecting a topic are as under:-
  1. First you select a problem/ research topic list in a general area that is related to the area of your expertise and interest. Second step is to narrow down the general problem area to make it specific, and researchable.
  2. Formulate a research topic list  in order to achieve your objective.
  3. Access to the data must be ensured about the topic prior to its finalization.
  4. The research topic ideas should be open to methods of research.
  5. The selected research topic ideas should be in a field in which there is real need for the research.
  6. Must keep in mind why the research is important and to whom.
  7. Students need to describe the research context clearly.

While thinking about research topic Ideas

  • Discuss ideas with colleagues
  • Browse the literature, especially journals
  • Discuss ideas with your supervisor – he/she is an expert within the discipline and can help you decide on an appropriate topic

Setting the Research topic list in context

When placing your research topic in context it is often useful to think about the following:-
  • What is the scope of the topic?
  • What is the purpose of the research?
  • Who are the intended audience?
  • What is the time period?
  • What is the geographical coverage?
  • What are the relevant/related disciplines?
  • Some More Tips for Problem Formulation

Some More Tips for Problem Formulation

Research Topic Ideas

Try to decide a research topic ideas that you just have an interest in. you’re reaching to have lots of research and experimentation earlier than you therefore it helps to supply smart science if you have enthusiasm in what you’re doing. realize a broad research topic and do some what preliminary work, maybe creating a rate of potential areas of interest.
  1. Be realistic. If you have difficulty with transport then there is no point picking a project in some far-flung, inaccessible area. You may have to go back to re sample or clarify your data. For a field study that requires lots of walking or climbing you need to be reasonably fit. If you are not very good at approaching strangers then avoid a subject that requires you to ask people to fill in questionnaires. Play to your strengths and avoid your weaknesses.
  2. With the above in mind, check out the facilities your department offers. For example, some departments offer help with statistics or using computer programs.
  3. Take into account the amount of time and resources you have. It is better to pick a focused research topic and be thorough than to try and perform some complex research that you struggle to finish. Your topic must be broad enough to ensure that you have enough data but narrow enough to maximize your time and resources.
  4. Try and be a little different; if a large number of students research the same research topics then there could be a lot of people fighting over one copy of a book or journal.
  5. Will you need help? For some areas of research you may need to ask the help of friends to take samples. An example is psychology where you need to tempt people to answer your questions or perform your tests. What measures will you need to entice people? Asking favors, bribery or threats? Try to ensure that you have thought about this before you start.
  6. Remember that people are there to help you. If you not sure of where to start, often the most difficult part, do not be afraid to ask questions from those more knowledgeable in the subject. It is common to feel a little nervous and overwhelmed before starting on a long project but that will pass. Remember that the reputation of your supervisor and department is judged by how well you perform in your research paper so they will try their best to guide you.

Types of Business research

Applied research 

This research is conducted to solve a current problem faced by the organization in the work setting, demanding a timely solution.

Basic research (fundamental, pure)

It is to generate a body of knowledge by trying to comprehend how certain problems that occur in organizations can be solved. The findings of such research contribute to the building of knowledge in the various functional areas of business.

Selection of Study 

The students are advised to choose some current issue faced by the organization in which they are going to conduct their research. Here are some examples of Applied and basic research issues, the preference should be given to the applied research.

Applied Research topics

  1. Causes of low productivity of employees of Fazal Steel mills Islamabad
  2. The possible measures to make the budgetary control system of NHA effective
  3. Human Resource practices to ensure Job Satisfaction in Askari Bank limited with Special emphasis on performance appraisal.
  4. The Impact of Compensation, Training & Development on the organisational Commitment of Employees of PTCL

Basic Research Topics

  1. Effective measures to stop bankruptcy.
  2. Implications of the theories of Scientific School of Management in 21st century.
  3. TQM / Is It Effective In Reaching Quality Goals?
  4. Management of the Interview and Hiring Function
  5. Employee Stock Ownership Plans

How to Develop Project Proposal/Synopsis

How to Develop COL Project Proposal/Synopsis

The aim of the project proposal must be to ensure that:
  • There is a need for the research and it‟s significant and important.
  • Student is contributing something original in the research report.
  • The topic is feasible in terms of the availability of data.
  • The topic must match with the academic field i.e. MBA / MPA.
  • Research can be completed within the expected time period
The AIOU COL project proposal helps you focus your research aim, clarify its importance and the need, describe the methods, identify problems and plan alternatives. Preparing a COL project proposal is an important part of your research. Following key elements must be included in the project proposal.

Chapter 1 Introduction

  1. Introduction of study along with its origin, history, Background, and rationale of the study
  2. Broad problem area: Area in which researcher has find some specific problem to carry out his research
  3. Statement of the Problem
  4. Objectives of the Study
  5. Significance of the Study
  6. Scope of Study

Chapter 2  Literature review

  1. Distribute this chapter according to heading and sub-heading
  2. Theoretical Framework
  3. Research Hypothesis

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

  1. Research Design
  2. Population of the Study
  3. Sampling Techniques
  4. Sample Size
  5. Research Tools
  6. Data Collection
  7. References
  8. Appendices

Note: Chapter 4 and 5 must be included in COL Final Research Report

AIOU COL MBA Project Synopsis Manual Template


1) Introduction

This section begins with many short introductory paragraphs in Project Synopsis (couple of pages). In introduction the context of the analysis is formed clear and selection of the subject is defended. the connection between the analysis drawback and also the analysis objectives should be explained. Introduction section sets the stage for the project report and puts the subject in perspective. It contains general statements concerning the need for this study.
It is a brief description of what the col project report is all about. It briefly summarizes the topic and some of the reasons why it is worthwhile to do research on this specific topic. Introduction is a bird eye view of the answers to the main questions that will be answered in your research report. The basic goal of the introduction is to catch the attention of the reader. Key point is that when you are writing the introduction; put yourself in your readers‟ position.

Background Information on research Project

Brief background information of your topic is necessary Project Synopsis. It could be possible that the reader may not have any experience with some of the material you have provided in your research report. So you need to give it to him or her.

Statement of the problem in thesis

The statement of the problem is the focal point of the research. A problem does not necessarily mean that something is seriously wrong with current situation that needs to be rectified immediately. A “problem” could simply indicate an interest in an issue where finding the right answers might help to improve an existing situation. Thus, it is fruitful to define a problem in a situation where a gap exists between the actual and the desired ideal states. The statement of problem in thesis should be brief, concise, and very specific statement not more than 5 –6 sentences in a paragraph.

Objectives of the Study

Objectives are statements of specific actions needed to accomplish the purpose. Enough objectives should be included to achieve the purpose, but objectives not required to achieve the purpose should be omitted. This purpose statement or paragraph explains what the study intends to find in Project Synopsis. The purpose of the study might be to
  1. Overcome the difficulty
  2. Understand the causes or effects
  3. Provide a new interpretation
  4. Understand what makes – successful or unsuccessful

Significance of the Study

This section creates a perspective for looking at the problem. It points out how study relates to the larger issue and uses a persuasive rationale to justify the reason for the study. It makes the purpose worthwhile. The significance of the study may be
  • Why is your study important?
  • To whom is it important?
  • What benefits will occur if your study is done?

Research Question

The research question must be stated in such a way that these are testable and
answerable. Usually a descriptive research may try to find answers to questions
rather than test hypothesis.

Literature Review

A literature review is associate degree critical report of data found within the literature  related to your selected space of study. The review ought to describe, summaries,evaluate and clarify this literature. It ought to provides a theoretical base for the research and assist you (the analysis er) confirm the character of your analysis.
The purpose of a literature review is for you to require a vital investigate the literature (facts and views) that already exists within the space you’re researching. A literature review is associate degree account of what has been printed on a subject by authorized scholars and researchers. the aim of literature review is to convey to the readers what data and ideas have already been established on the subject, and what their strengths and weaknesses square measure. As a bit of writing, the literature review should be outlined by a guiding thought (e.g., your analysis objective, the problem or issue you’re discussing or your contentious thesis). it’s not simply a descriptive list of the fabric offered, or a group of summaries.
A literature review is a summary of previous research on a topic. Literature reviews can be either a part of a large report of a research project, a thesis or a bibliographic essay that is published separately in a scholarly journal. Some questions to think about as you develop your literature review.